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Derby City Council has published proposals for a balanced budget for the next financial year, making some tough decisions in the face of a very challenging financial position.
The proposed budget includes an investment of £31 million into essential services, savings of £10.2 million, and a significant contribution back into the Council’s reserves.
Full details of the proposals in the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) can be viewed in Appendix 2 and 3 on our portal. .
To ensure our Council Plan remains relevant and fit for purpose, we are proposing to refresh our vision, values, themes and outcomes forContinue reading
Derby City Council has published proposals for a balanced budget for the next financial year, making some tough decisions in the face of a very challenging financial position.
The proposed budget includes an investment of £31 million into essential services, savings of £10.2 million, and a significant contribution back into the Council’s reserves.
Full details of the proposals in the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) can be viewed in Appendix 2 and 3 on our portal. .
To ensure our Council Plan remains relevant and fit for purpose, we are proposing to refresh our vision, values, themes and outcomes for 2025-28, alongside our Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan. You can read about our proposals for the refresh in the Council Plan document.
This questionnaire asks for your views on the proposals in the Medium Term Financial Plan and Council Plan. You can read more about our plans in our summarised budget and Council Plan consultation document.
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