Derby City Council Customer Services Satisfaction

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Thank you for contacting Derby City Council. When you called our Customer Services Team you gave permission for us to send a feedback survey. We appreciate you agreeing to feedback on the call you made.

Please can you answer the questions based on your call and the adviser you spoke to. The feedback you provide will help us ensure we provide the best service we can.

The survey will close on 21 August 2022.

Thank you for contacting Derby City Council. When you called our Customer Services Team you gave permission for us to send a feedback survey. We appreciate you agreeing to feedback on the call you made.

Please can you answer the questions based on your call and the adviser you spoke to. The feedback you provide will help us ensure we provide the best service we can.

The survey will close on 21 August 2022.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please use this survey to provide feedback on the call you made to Derby City Council. When you are answering the questions please consider the phone call and the person you spoke to on the call.

    Give your feedback
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Page last updated: 21 Aug 2022, 12:00 PM