Duffield Road Bus Service Improvement Plan Consultation

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We would like your say on proposals to introduce a bus lane along the A6, Duffield Road as well as improvements to the existing cycle lane and footways. The proposals are located on the section of Duffield Road between Thatch Close and Broadway.

What is the problem?

Between the A38 junction and the Broadway roundabout on Duffield Road, significant queues and delays during the morning peak period are commonplace. Queues along Duffield Road can reach approximately 150 vehicles back from the Broadway junction.

The queues and congestion have significant impacts on bus journey times, with additional delays to city bound buses of approximately 10 minutes per vehicle on average. The average bus speed fell from 25mph during off-peak times to 9mph during the morning peak period. The slowest journeys recorded were only 4mph.

What are the proposals?

The proposal is to introduce more space for buses, cycles and pedestrians by installing an inbound bus lane and making improvements to the existing cycle lanes and footways. A key objective of this scheme is to encourage an increase in journeys by low carbon, sustainable travel modes which in turn would help contribute to climate change objectives, reduce air pollution and improve public health.

How is this proposal different to the scheme in 2008?

A bus lane was previously installed on Duffield Road in 2008 between Church Lane and the roundabout at Broadway. The bus lane was removed as residents raised concerns about safety, particularly around the junction of Mile Ash Lane. The current proposal is to stop the bus lane north of the Mile Ash Lane junction which removes these concerns. The proposal also improves safety for cyclists by providing a two way shared-use route over the length of the proposed bus lane.

Why are we proposing these changes?

The National Bus Strategy calls for Local Transport Authorities to deliver better bus services and specifically calls for measures to be implemented to improve public transport.

The scheme proposed will contribute towards the objectives of this project, which are to:

  • Increase the number of bus passengers across Derby.
  • Improve the experience for bus passengers without impacting general traffic.
  • Provide an accessible and attractive alternative to the car.
  • Quicker and reliable bus journey and improved journey times.
  • Reduce carbon emissions

The scheme would reduce bus delays by an average of over 150 seconds (2.6 minutes) during the morning peak period and by over 8 minutes during severe congestion events.

The proposals would also benefit pedestrians and cyclists and enhance the appearance of the local area. The proposals compliment the active travel scheme proposed for Duffield Road, providing improved links to the City Centre and beyond.

How would this be funded?

Funding has been awarded to Derby City Council through the National Bus Strategy: Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP). This funding covers measures such as bus priority infrastructure, fares support, ticketing reform, bus service support and improved information.

How can I have my say?

We would like your feedback and to hear your thoughts on the public transport, cycling and walking measures proposed for Duffield Road. A paper copy of the consultation is available upon request. The survey is open for 12 weeks and closes at midnight on Sunday 27 October 2024.

We would like your say on proposals to introduce a bus lane along the A6, Duffield Road as well as improvements to the existing cycle lane and footways. The proposals are located on the section of Duffield Road between Thatch Close and Broadway.

What is the problem?

Between the A38 junction and the Broadway roundabout on Duffield Road, significant queues and delays during the morning peak period are commonplace. Queues along Duffield Road can reach approximately 150 vehicles back from the Broadway junction.

The queues and congestion have significant impacts on bus journey times, with additional delays to city bound buses of approximately 10 minutes per vehicle on average. The average bus speed fell from 25mph during off-peak times to 9mph during the morning peak period. The slowest journeys recorded were only 4mph.

What are the proposals?

The proposal is to introduce more space for buses, cycles and pedestrians by installing an inbound bus lane and making improvements to the existing cycle lanes and footways. A key objective of this scheme is to encourage an increase in journeys by low carbon, sustainable travel modes which in turn would help contribute to climate change objectives, reduce air pollution and improve public health.

How is this proposal different to the scheme in 2008?

A bus lane was previously installed on Duffield Road in 2008 between Church Lane and the roundabout at Broadway. The bus lane was removed as residents raised concerns about safety, particularly around the junction of Mile Ash Lane. The current proposal is to stop the bus lane north of the Mile Ash Lane junction which removes these concerns. The proposal also improves safety for cyclists by providing a two way shared-use route over the length of the proposed bus lane.

Why are we proposing these changes?

The National Bus Strategy calls for Local Transport Authorities to deliver better bus services and specifically calls for measures to be implemented to improve public transport.

The scheme proposed will contribute towards the objectives of this project, which are to:

  • Increase the number of bus passengers across Derby.
  • Improve the experience for bus passengers without impacting general traffic.
  • Provide an accessible and attractive alternative to the car.
  • Quicker and reliable bus journey and improved journey times.
  • Reduce carbon emissions

The scheme would reduce bus delays by an average of over 150 seconds (2.6 minutes) during the morning peak period and by over 8 minutes during severe congestion events.

The proposals would also benefit pedestrians and cyclists and enhance the appearance of the local area. The proposals compliment the active travel scheme proposed for Duffield Road, providing improved links to the City Centre and beyond.

How would this be funded?

Funding has been awarded to Derby City Council through the National Bus Strategy: Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP). This funding covers measures such as bus priority infrastructure, fares support, ticketing reform, bus service support and improved information.

How can I have my say?

We would like your feedback and to hear your thoughts on the public transport, cycling and walking measures proposed for Duffield Road. A paper copy of the consultation is available upon request. The survey is open for 12 weeks and closes at midnight on Sunday 27 October 2024.

  • We welcome your feedback on the Duffield Road proposals, please take our short survey.   

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 15 Aug 2024, 03:22 PM