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Consultation has concluded
What is a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)?
The government requires all Health and Wellbeing Boards to produce an assessment of pharmaceutical services in its area every three years. The next assessment is due to be published by 1 October 2022. This document is called the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). Derby and Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Boards prepare a joint PNA covering the areas of Derby and Derbyshire.
The PNA is a report of the present needs for pharmaceutical services. Its purpose is to identify any gaps in current services or improvements for future pharmaceutical service provision.
The government requires all Health and Wellbeing Boards to produce an assessment of pharmaceutical services in its area every three years. The next assessment is due to be published by 1 October 2022. This document is called the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). Derby and Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Boards prepare a joint PNA covering the areas of Derby and Derbyshire.
The PNA is a report of the present needs for pharmaceutical services. Its purpose is to identify any gaps in current services or improvements for future pharmaceutical service provision.
What are pharmaceutical services?
Pharmaceutical services are provided by community pharmacies and include:
• dispensing of medicines and appliances on prescription
• sale of medicines to the public
• providing advice to the public on medicines, coping with ill health or general health and wellbeing
• receiving waste medicines for safe destruction.
PNAs help the NHS decide on applications for new pharmacies in the local area, and for the NHS and local authorities consider changes to services at existing ones.
Public consultation
We are required to consult with anyone who has an interest in the provision of pharmaceutical services in the Derby and Derbyshire area. The consultation is open between 23 June and 21 August 2022. Feedback from the consultation will be incorporated into the final PNA document before its publication by 1st October 2022.
The consultation survey can be completed online using the link below. Printed copies are available on request. If you require a paper copy of the survey to be sent to you please contact Call Derbyshire 01629 533190.
We are required to consult with anyone in the Derby and Derbyshire area who has an interest in the provision of pharmaceutical services. The consultation is open between 23 June and 21 August 2022. Feedback from the consultation will be incorporated into the final PNA document before its publication by 1 October 2022.
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