School Safe Haven Project - Redwood Primary Update

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Derby City Council has been awarded £776,150 of funding from the Department for Transport to deliver additional active travel measures across the city. As part of this work a number of schools were identified across the city to test different interventions including the introduction of school streets, locally known as School Safe Haven Zones. Across the country, ‘School Streets’ have been introduced to help promote cleaner air, reduce congestion, improve road safety and increase levels of activity.

‘School Streets’ are where a section of road outside a school is closed to motor vehicles for a set period at the


Derby City Council has been awarded £776,150 of funding from the Department for Transport to deliver additional active travel measures across the city. As part of this work a number of schools were identified across the city to test different interventions including the introduction of school streets, locally known as School Safe Haven Zones. Across the country, ‘School Streets’ have been introduced to help promote cleaner air, reduce congestion, improve road safety and increase levels of activity.

‘School Streets’ are where a section of road outside a school is closed to motor vehicles for a set period at the start and end of the school day.

These have been well received and proved successful in helping to create a more pleasant environment for local communities and addressing the many safety concerns associated with high levels of car use near to school entrances.

Following discussions with Local Councillors, Neighbourhood Officers, school representatives, and in consultation with local residents and parents, a school safe haven zone was introduced on Monday 22nd November 2021. The zone was introduced on an experimental basis for a period of 18 months. The zone covered Redwood Road between Sinfin Lane and Islay Road. The restriction was operational term time only, Monday to Friday from 08:15 to 09:00 in the morning and from 2:30 to 3:30 in the afternoon.

The Outcome:

With consideration of any comments and objections received during the six month public consultation period, and in consultation with Local Councillors, Neighbourhood Officers and school representatives , the decision was made to make the zone permanent. The zone was made permanent and became effective on 22nd May 2023.

Page last updated: 06 Dec 2023, 03:08 PM