Transforming travel - connecting Derby

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Derby City Council are committed to delivering a safe, inclusive, and sustainable transport network that revives city centre streets, improves quality of life for everyone in Derby, and allows people to stay connected to jobs, key services, and each other.

We have successfully secured over £162m from the DfT’s Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) and Active Travel Fund (ATF), and will be developing a number of schemes over the next year which we’ll be asking you to give feedback on.

Our ambition is to revitalise walking, cycling, and public transport provision across the city by:

  • Helping the city to remain well connected so that it continues to be vibrant, attractive, and a safe place to live, work and visit.
  • Accelerating local economic growth and boosting productivity by ensuring the city’s transport networks operate efficiently, especially at busier times.
  • Creating attractive and accessible local neighbourhoods in which people want to interact and spend time; and in which businesses can thrive.
  • Reducing the dominance of vehicle traffic in the city helping to improve local air quality and minimise our contribution to global climate change.
  • Extending the city’s walking, cycling, local bus and Park and Ride networks to improve travel choice and journey reliability to key destinations.
  • Embedding more sustainable and more active travel cultures into local businesses and communities.
  • Accelerating local uptake of lower carbon journeys and the use of electric vehicles.
  • Promoting innovations in new transport modes, low carbon technology and data to create a seamless and sustainable transport network that meets the needs of local people of all ages.

The coming years will bring significant changes to Derby’s local transport network, with a range of new schemes being delivered to provide greater flexibility, improve accessibility and promote sustainability, and we really want to involve people who live, work and visit Derby to help shape the final designs for these schemes.

How you can get involved?

We will be running various consultations over the coming months, covering the major schemes that will help to improve transport links and transform the way we travel in and around our city.

Keep checking back at for more consultation projects.

Derby City Council are committed to delivering a safe, inclusive, and sustainable transport network that revives city centre streets, improves quality of life for everyone in Derby, and allows people to stay connected to jobs, key services, and each other.

We have successfully secured over £162m from the DfT’s Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) and Active Travel Fund (ATF), and will be developing a number of schemes over the next year which we’ll be asking you to give feedback on.

Our ambition is to revitalise walking, cycling, and public transport provision across the city by:

  • Helping the city to remain well connected so that it continues to be vibrant, attractive, and a safe place to live, work and visit.
  • Accelerating local economic growth and boosting productivity by ensuring the city’s transport networks operate efficiently, especially at busier times.
  • Creating attractive and accessible local neighbourhoods in which people want to interact and spend time; and in which businesses can thrive.
  • Reducing the dominance of vehicle traffic in the city helping to improve local air quality and minimise our contribution to global climate change.
  • Extending the city’s walking, cycling, local bus and Park and Ride networks to improve travel choice and journey reliability to key destinations.
  • Embedding more sustainable and more active travel cultures into local businesses and communities.
  • Accelerating local uptake of lower carbon journeys and the use of electric vehicles.
  • Promoting innovations in new transport modes, low carbon technology and data to create a seamless and sustainable transport network that meets the needs of local people of all ages.

The coming years will bring significant changes to Derby’s local transport network, with a range of new schemes being delivered to provide greater flexibility, improve accessibility and promote sustainability, and we really want to involve people who live, work and visit Derby to help shape the final designs for these schemes.

How you can get involved?

We will be running various consultations over the coming months, covering the major schemes that will help to improve transport links and transform the way we travel in and around our city.

Keep checking back at for more consultation projects.

Page published: 29 Sep 2021, 09:53 AM