Private Renters Survey
We want to hear your story. Generation Rent and Derby City Council are seeking the views of private renters in Derby.
We want to find out the challenges you face and whether you are aware of your rights. It is the first stage of a project designed to improve engagement with private renters in Derby.
The questionnaire takes 10-20 minutes. Any information you give will only be used by the Council and Generation Rent and will not be shared with other services or organisations.
The responses of this survey will be used by Generation Rent to inform Derby City Council of the issues tenants face when renting in Derby. They will also be combined with survey responses from tenants in other areas of the UK to provide a national picture of private renting. A short report will also be compiled for the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust which has funded this research.
Please note if you rent from Derby Homes or a Housing Association, this is not counted as the private rented sector. Please only complete this survey if you rent from a Private Landlord or Letting Agency.
This survey will close on 18 March 2022.