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Polling Place Review 2023

We are seeking the views of a range of stakeholders including electors, MP's, political parties, polling staff, polling station venue contacts, diversity forums and other interest groups as to the suitability and location of our existing polling stations across the city. 

Reasons for this review

Under the Representation of the People Act 1983, the council has a duty to divide its area into polling districts and to designate a polling place for each district for Parliamentary elections. The arrangements made for parliamentary elections are also used at other elections.

A review must be conducted between 1 October 2023 and 31 January 2025 under The Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013.

The (Acting) Returning Officer’s proposals

The (Acting) Returning Officer for Derby North, Derby South and Mid-Derbyshire has made proposals for new polling places and polling district boundaries. The current and proposed arrangements, including maps of polling districts for each ward are available in this report.

Making comments

We would welcome comments regarding the current or proposed arrangements. When making comments on the proposed arrangements we encourage you to provide:

· suggestions for alternative polling places that you think the Council should consider

· reasons why the alternative is a better option

We would particularly encourage any comments about the accessibility of polling station voting to voters with any type of disability. This can be either at specific polling places, or in general.

Anyone registered as an elector in Derby North, Derby South or Mid-Derbyshire constituencies may make representations to the Council. Representations will also be considered from persons who have particular expertise in relation to access to premises or facilities for person who have different forms of disability. All representations are required by law to be published.

Any representations must be made in writing and must be received by 31 December 2023


A polling district is the geographical area created by sub-dividing a constituency or ward.

A polling place is the building or area in which a polling station is located.

A polling station is the actual room or area where voting takes place.

If you want to take your time to complete this survey and use the save button, you will need to be registered and logged into Let's Talk Derby.