Derby Station Quarter Interim Planning Guidance Consultation

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In 2022 we published the Ambition Document and have started working on a new Local Plan which is proposed for adoption in 2026. The new Local Plan will cover the period to around 2040 and will address the challenges facing the city.

There is limited policy guidance in the adopted Local Plan specifically relating to the Station Quarter. To bridge this gap, the Interim Planning Guidance (IPG) has been drafted and if approved, will be used to help guide development and planning decisions in the area until the full review and adoption of a new Local Plan in 2026. It will help to shape emerging planning policy as Local Plan preparation proceeds.

The IPG sets out the anticipated ‘direction of travel’ of planning policy for the Station Quarter. In so doing, this proposed guidance will assist in promoting the area as an investment proposition, highlighting important development opportunities, and creating greater certainty in relation to planning requirements. The IPG would be treated as a material consideration in relation to future development proposals put forward in the area (further background information can be found here - opens in a new window).

Aerial mage showing how the Station Quarter may look in the future


Public consultation on the IPG (opens in a new window) was launched in October 2024 and was open until the 13th January 2025.

Thank you to everyone that participated. We are currently reviewing the feedback and deciding what changes need to be made to the document. Once this work is complete, the updated IPG will be recommended for Council endorsement, making the document a material consideration in decision making.

In 2022 we published the Ambition Document and have started working on a new Local Plan which is proposed for adoption in 2026. The new Local Plan will cover the period to around 2040 and will address the challenges facing the city.

There is limited policy guidance in the adopted Local Plan specifically relating to the Station Quarter. To bridge this gap, the Interim Planning Guidance (IPG) has been drafted and if approved, will be used to help guide development and planning decisions in the area until the full review and adoption of a new Local Plan in 2026. It will help to shape emerging planning policy as Local Plan preparation proceeds.

The IPG sets out the anticipated ‘direction of travel’ of planning policy for the Station Quarter. In so doing, this proposed guidance will assist in promoting the area as an investment proposition, highlighting important development opportunities, and creating greater certainty in relation to planning requirements. The IPG would be treated as a material consideration in relation to future development proposals put forward in the area (further background information can be found here - opens in a new window).

Aerial mage showing how the Station Quarter may look in the future


Public consultation on the IPG (opens in a new window) was launched in October 2024 and was open until the 13th January 2025.

Thank you to everyone that participated. We are currently reviewing the feedback and deciding what changes need to be made to the document. Once this work is complete, the updated IPG will be recommended for Council endorsement, making the document a material consideration in decision making.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 16 Jan 2025, 11:12 AM